Arizona’s for me: Danke, boys.

On this flight back to DTW, I’m still buzzing from the audience reaction to Arizona Lady. This piece has been another profound example of the power in audience connection and engagement. I’ve never experienced anything like the energy of a few thousand Arizonans listening and responding to us as we sang about the … Continue Reading →

Arizona Lady

I’m flattered to be featured in the Arizona Opera blog this week. Thanks, Ryan Taylor! My dear colleague and friend’s generous writing is only one of his many talents; he runs his company with an almost unique blend of innovation and judiciousness. Our rehearsals have been developing in the most surprising, random, … Continue Reading →

Nun, ihr Musen, genug!

Standing ovation for the Texanische Liebeslieder, complete with some true Texas hollerin’ – what a premiere! Bravi tutti: my partner in crime, Kelly Kuo; our singers Chan Yang Lim, Ellie Jarrett Shattles, Soonchan Kwon, and Tim O’Brien; UT’s Butler Opera Center; Hans Boas, director of the Texas German Dialect Project. Most of all, … Continue Reading →


In my beloved Austin, I’m grateful for the load of talent and dedication behind tomorrow’s concert. What a joy it’s been to rehearse this week with Chan Yang Lim, Ellie Jarrett, Soonchan Kwon, Tim O’Brien, and Kelly Kuo. What luck is ours, to make sound some beloved Brahms, and to delight our … Continue Reading →


Back home in Llano, TX, where I’m getting my first fall projects ready to go. They are something special in that they’re music with an unusual sense of place. In Austin in a few weeks, we’ll premiere David Hanlon’s “Texanische Liebeslieder.” I wrote the lyrics for these. They were inspired … Continue Reading →