
I’ve neglected this blog for quite a number of months, and there’s no excuse like the turn of the calendar year to recommit. So, welcome to 2018, everyone! Where are you as this year begins? I’d love to hear from you and know what’s up. Here’s what’s up with me. … Continue Reading →

summer reverie

As July draws to a close and August brings the beginning of the season ever closer, I’m thinking about the fruits of a particularly verdant summer. I’ve taught at two great programs, one brand new and one an old friend, and been inspired and energized by the participants. I conducted … Continue Reading →


Haven’t posted in a while, but this weekend is a good time to get back into it with two concerts that were profoundly social in nature. What I mean by that is a kind of performing that involves intimate size, of performing group, audience, and performance space. I love me a … Continue Reading →

and we’re off….

The glamorous life, DTW edition:   Two weeks of travel await, full of adrenaline, teaching, reunions with great people and great cities, and some brand new repertoire. The sleepy eyes in this picture don’t tell you how excited I am! And if I’m tired, I’m happy too. The three quick … Continue Reading →

This island’s mine!

So speaks David Weigel, our Prospero, at the beginning of our dress rehearsal of Saariaho’s TEMPEST SONGBOOK. And indeed we felt like we were on an island tonight. A magical one, where a great composer was helping us understand visceral sound in the kindest way possible. One where we could … Continue Reading →