Midwestern minstrel

“A wandering minstrel I…”  could have been my theme song this week. I drove across northern Wisconsin and east-central Minnesota as the leaves began to change right on time. And all along the way: music! First, in Stevens Point WI, Matthew Markham, Sue Bender, and the wonderful students of UWSP … Continue Reading →

Big House

110K fans doing the “Hail” hand jive, this truly excellent band with their awesome sound, hot drumlines, and “nice diags” (tip of the pen to Dr. Andrea Brown). Life in music will sometimes surprise you, and it sure did this opera geek on Saturday. But first let me back up … Continue Reading →

Summer project update

I’m getting ready to head for Miami tomorrow: time to get my hojotoho on! In the meantime, I’ve been delving into beloved music here in Ann Arbor. Stan Olsen and I are getting a recital ready: Goethe texts set by Schubert and Wolf, and English poems set by two women … Continue Reading →

Summer Projects

My husband and I just rolled into Ann Arbor for a few weeks. I love the shape of this summer, made of many random pieces and projects sewn together into a wild quilt of music and words. I just finished a new English adaptation of Hansel and Gretel for Tri-Cities Opera. Paul … Continue Reading →